Thursday, January 16, 2014

Post no 15: Global Warming Prevention is required.

Poverty alleviation and maximum participation of manpower is required to explore the universe. This will be achieved if we work together. But one thing is still ignored- whatever we do, we need environmental stability. We have already uploaded 365 billion metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere since 1750 due to industrial revolution. Therefore, it grew warmer and anger upon its creatures. Although the devastating consequence is known to all, we are still adding 10 billion metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere each year. The fact is ignored because we are still debating and blaming each other. We are now getting prepared to offer compensation to the third world countries which would be mostly affected for the disaster. We are not actually getting prepared to prevent global warming in fact.

It is not possible to reduce carbon emission significantly because we need more power and more development. Successful replacement of fossil fuels with alternative energy sources and/or effective carbon capture technology development is uncertain or would require much time. We therefore admit and accept the problem and get prepared to offer compensation for the victims. Why should we depend on technology development for alternative fuel sources or artificial carbon capture? We cannot claim to the modern world to reduce carbon emission because we support development of human civilization on earth as quickly as possible. Can we request those countries occupying thousands of miles unused deserts to allow us grow photosynthetic biomass to increase natural carbon capture process to save the world? Because existing biomass is not capable of clearing additional carbon uploaded each year, we should increase it immediately. I believe the modern world equipped with advanced technologies will not consider this impossible. If there is a fraction of possibility, we request to the related international organizations and countries take initiative as soon as possible. Otherwise, let us do the job.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Post no 14: Poverty Alleviation Program.

Thousands of NGOs are working world-wide for poverty alleviation and millions of dollar funds are spent each year, but what’s the achievement? 870 million people are still suffering from hunger in the world. We are successful in our space missions, we have great scientific achievements to develop human civilization but our achievement in poverty alleviation is not satisfactory. At the present state of human civilization poverty should not exist in the world. Whereas we dream to expand human civilization to new planets, we should also dream for a hunger free world. Whereas billions of dollar funds are required to explore the universe, no fund is required for poverty alleviation in fact.

Traditional NGO activities with millions of dollar funds will not be able to give us a hunger free world. Poverty alleviation depends on our will- do we really want a hunger free world? Do we really feel the misery of hungry people? Do we need poor people for our personal interests? The problem has been created and maintained by us. If all of us agree and decide to remove poverty, fund collection and traditional NGO activities will not be required to help the poor. To explore and resolve this issue “DYNAMIC WELFARE FOUNDATION” will be formed.

Exploring universe is not rational without resolving the miseries of 870 million hungry people in the world. We cannot ignore the miseries of hungry people living around us. We dream for a hunger and poverty free world to explore the universe. This should be a universal endeavor by human being all together. This should not be considered for personal or national achievement. We will ensure all of your participation all over the world to explore the universe. There are so many planets in the universe that each of the people in the world can occupy at least one of them for his/her personal habitation. The world is so rich that none of us is required to suffer from hunger and poverty due to scarcity of wealth any more if a group of greedy and evil people do not want to occupy all of them for nothing. Then why do we keep our neighbors in hunger and poverty? Let everybody be happy and invite all to take part in research to explore the universe together. As much participation will be ensured, so rapid will be our achievement. 14 billion years have already been passed. Now, we do not want to offer warm reception to aliens, we would rather like to discover them. Therefore, we should work together in a war and hunger free dynamic world to explore the universe.     

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Post no 13: Reduce discrimination between rich and poor.

Discrimination between rich and poor should be reduced preferentially. If it is possible to increase the financial status of the poor population without reducing existing wealth level of the capitalists in the world, then I believe nobody will have any objection against poverty alleviation. The world is so much rich that none is required to suffer from poverty and hunger anyway. Yet, 870 million people suffer from hunger on the globe still now. Negligence, reluctance, tradition and lack of knowledge are responsible for this condition. Thousands of NGOs are working world wide for poverty alleviation. Among those Grameen Bank, originated from Bangladesh, is playing significant roles which is known world wide, well accepted and awarded with Nobel Prize. Although high interest rates of its micro-credit programs are not uncontroversial- is it poverty alleviation or business with the poor?

Poverty alleviation undoubtedly generates new business opportunities for capitalists. Poverty alleviation means increasing the purchase power of the poor and more purchase generates more business. For example, if it is possible to increase the purchase power of 870 million hungry people by two dollars a day (one dollar for food and one dollar for other goods), turnover will be increased by 1.74 billion dollar a day. Therefore, any initiative taken for poverty alleviation simultaneously protects the right of both the rich and the poor. The risk of financial and social instability rises with the discrimination between the poor and the rich. At present, discrimination between rich and poor is increasing in the USA. Such discrimination should be reduced world wide for stability of human civilization. But improper initiatives and imperfect measures for poverty alleviation may even aggravate the risk of instability. Do not give anything without return except disabilities. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Post no 12: Remove discrimination between human civilizations.

We can engage intellectual robots in cultivation to produce food and bio-fuel to ensure energy supply to the human civilization. Extensive production and utilization of bio-fuels will reduce the necessity of lifting fossil fuels. This will be effective in reducing all the threats associated with global worming. When food and fuel requirement is met people will be able to move freely all around the globe. Actual benefit of globalization will be enjoyed by the people when free access to the world will be ensured for all.

All kind of discrimination should be abolished in the world. Otherwise, discrimination between human civilizations will cause their ultimate destruction with the advancement of technologies. Therefore, we should reduce discrimination as much as possible with our technology improvement. Following issues should be considered to reduce discrimination:

1. Reduce discrimination between the rich and the poor. At least, hunger and poverty should be removed preferentially. We should improve and utilize our technology to remove poverty and hunger permanently. Achieving this goal is not impossible because this problem has been created and maintained by human being themselves.

2. We should dissolve country barriers created by our ancestors due to political or personal issues. People should move freely all over the world as a global citizen. Less developed countries should unite preferentially for their greater interest.

3. Discrimination between religions should also be resolved. Religion should be considered as personal affair. This should not be utilized as political, national or international issue.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Post no 11: Ensure fuel supply.

Every product may be produced and served by intellectual robots free of cost, if their energy requirement is met free of cost. Do oil producing countries agree fuel supply free of cost? Commercialization of fuel makes everything impossible. Commercialization of fuel compelled the commercialization of all other products and services. Commercialization of fuel even ignites war and politics on the globe. Food and fuel is produced by nature to nourish and empower intellectual creatures on earth to uncover the mystery of creation. On the contrary, a group of people restricts the free supply of all natural resources, commercializes those products to accumulate wealth by spoiling and exploiting nature. Such inhuman greedy activities aggravate hunger and poverty, ignite war and politics and cause instability of human civilization. Such unsound practice may even cause ultimate destruction of human civilization. Therefore, we should take steps to eliminate all the discrimination to ensure the stability and unity of human civilization. An organization will be formed to ensure free supply of food and fuel to remove poverty and engage people in research work to explore the universe.